
I love you ❤️

I love the color pink, sparkles, sprinkles, rainbows, my long hair, my cozy pink blanket, my Sasquatch slippers, my unicorn slippers, all my colorful mugs, hikes, the sky, the sunshine, the ocean and the waves, crystals, rocks, mailboxes with letters in them, that I’m tenacious, that I love the earth that we walk on and the warmth of the fire. I love all the people in my life for all their beautiful individual swirly mix of charms. I love you. I love me. I love that I can love.

I hope you have your list of loves and if you do not, keep thinking on it, keep adding to it. This list will help you feel motivated in life it will be your love guide, your love hall of fame, all of your favorite loves go on this list.

Your next assignment will be a silly one but I want you to find a totem for the next few weeks. You know how Tom Hanks had Wilson on that island, you too will have your own Wilson. Mine is a sparkly rock crystal. What is yours? Share with me today, I can’t wait to see yours.

Talk soon,

Aimée Lyn

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